David Goodwin Elected to Board of Directors of the Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association

Gustafson Gluek attorney David Goodwin has recently been elected to the Board of Directors of the Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association for the 2022-2023 term, beginning in September. This is David’s first term as a Director on the Board. He will continue to serve as the Liaison for the Chapter’s Pro Se Project and as a Vice President for the Eighth Circuit.

The Pro Se Project is a collaborative effort between the Minnesota Chapter of the FBA and the Federal District Court for the District of Minnesota which strives to provide legal representation for various pro se litigants. The Eight Circuit Vice President role coordinates efforts between the Minnesota Chapter of the FBA, the Eighth Circuit, and the national FBA organization.

Gustafson Gluek is an active and long-standing member of the Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association.  We congratulate David on continuing the firm's service to the federal Bar.


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