Welcome to the Gustafson Gluek PLLC Law Firm News Blog, where we strive to keep our clients, legal professionals, and the public updated on the latest developments involving our firm, and the legal world.
Dan Gustafson to Moderate American Antitrust Institute’s Lunch and Learn CLE
Honoring the Legacy of<br>Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Gustafson Gluek’s Antitrust Recognition
Happy Holidays from Gustafson Gluek
Abou Amara to Co-Moderate COSAL Discussion with National Association of Attorneys General Antitrust Task Force Chair
Gustafson Gluek Names Cathy Smith<br>New Firm Manager
Happy Thanksgiving <br>from All of Us at Gustafson Gluek
Gustafson Gluek Associates <br>Sworn Into Federal Court
Gustafson Gluek Attorneys Abou Amara and Lydia Lockwood Secure Significant Settlement in Civil Rights Breastfeeding Case
Gustafson Gluek Recognizes Veterans Day
Gustafson Gluek Attorneys Elected to New Positions in the Federal Bar Association

GET OUT AND VOTE<br>Election Day 2024
Dan Gustafson And Gustafson Gluek <br>Team Appointed to Leadership Position in Sugar Antitrust Litigation
Dan Gustafson Appointed Overall<br>Lead Counsel in Change <br>Healthcare Data Breach Litigation
Gustafson Gluek Associates <br>Attend AAI Conference