Statement of Gustafson Gluek PLLC Regarding the Tragic Death of George Floyd

The actions of the Minneapolis police officers on Memorial Day cannot go unchallenged.  Nor can we sit by silently and say nothing.  At Gustafson Gluek PLLC, we stand with those affected by this tragic event and want there to be no mistake that systematic changes need to happen now.  We support comprehensive, systemwide reform.

We write to express our deep and profound sorrow and anger over the death of George Floyd at the hands of those charged with serving and protecting the citizens of Minneapolis.  We particularly want to express our deepest sympathies to the family and friends of Mr. Floyd and to our entire community.  For too long we have simply expressed outrage over these unacceptable and outrageous attacks on people of color in our state.  The time for action is long overdue. 

Our firm condemns the systematic racism that led to the ongoing violence experienced by BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) citizens who regularly have been deprived of their constitutional rights by law enforcement and the justice system.  From first contact to final disposition, the negative effects of this unjust system are pervasive and have a corrosive impact on society as a whole and our community. 

The primary duty of Minneapolis law enforcement officers is to protect this City’s constituents, to keep them safe and to defend their rights. In this case, these officers and our government failed in this duty. Mr. Floyd was killed by law enforcement officers, the very people charged with his protection. We must come together in demanding justice for Mr. Floyd and action from our State and local officials to prevent the perpetuation of racism, especially from within the institutions charged with protecting people. In so doing, we must recognize that Mr. Floyd’s tragic death is not the first such tragedy and is not simply the result of the rogue actions of a few individuals.  Instead, it is symptomatic of a deeply-rooted ideology of complicit racism. 

As attorneys and professional staff at Gustafson Gluek, we stand for due process, the administration of justice, and the rule of law. The equal application of justice forms the backbone of our legal system, which guarantees the right to due process of law to all citizens. The Minneapolis Police Department deprived Mr. Floyd of his fundamental rights. Our State and local leaders must take swift action to address the violation of Mr. Floyd’s rights and enact real changes to ensure that such awful events never happen again.  The police conduct speaks loudly and for itself; our government leaders – elected or not – must speak equally as loudly to send the message that no one is above the law. 

We stand in support of the BIPOC community who are integral in every aspect of our State. 

Thumbnail Photo by munshots


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