Daniel Hedlund Appointed As Interim Co-Lead Counsel in Antitrust Litigation Involving Replacement Tires
Dan Hedlund, Chair of Gustafson Gluek’s Antitrust division, was appointed as one of the Interim Co-Lead Counsel for the class of Automobile Dealership and Other Reseller Plaintiffs (“ADPs”) by the Honorable Sara Lioi, Chief Judge in the Northern District of Ohio, Eastern Division. Plaintiffs in this MDL entitled In re: Passenger Vehicle Replacement Tires Antitrust Litigation allege that defendants entered into an unlawful agreement to artificially increase and fix the price of replacement tires sold in the United States. Dan Hedlund, Michelle Looby and Frances Mahoney-Mosedale comprise the team at Gustafson Gluek that will be primarily leading this litigation for the firm.