Gustafson Gluek Condemns Russia’s Unprovoked Attack on Ukraine

We, at Gustafson Gluek, have watched in horror and sadness as Russian troops and tanks have rolled into Ukraine over the past several days. We join people all over the world in condemning the senseless acts of aggression by Putin and the Russian government against Ukraine and its citizens. We stand in solidarity with the people of Ukraine, those who are taking up arms to defend their homeland and those who feel they must flee the country to protect themselves or their loved ones. We continue to be humbled by the incredible bravery of those attempting to defend their freedoms and liberty, and devastated at the price that is being paid by the innocent.

Gustafson Gluek plans to donate funds to Project Hope in order to help provide humanitarian relief for the people of Ukraine and stands ready to represent individuals who may need help in the aftermath of this tragic situation. 

For more information on Project Hope’s work for Ukraine, click here.


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