Dan Hedlund Appointed to the U.S. Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel

Gustafson Gluek PLLC is proud to announce that Dan Hedlund has been appointed to the U.S. Magistrate Judge Merit Selection Panel. As a member of this Panel, Dan will review applications, interview prospective candidates and make recommendations to the Court for the appointment of the next Magistrate Judge for the District of Minnesota. 

Dan Hedlund has been an active member of the Minnesota Chapter of the Federal Bar Association and is the current President of that Chapter. He has worked closely with the Federal Bench in the District of Minnesota and has practiced before this Court for the past twenty-five years. He is the co-chair of Gustafson Gluek’s antitrust group and an advisory board member for the American Antirust Institute. Dan is an experienced litigator and is well qualified to know what qualities are important for a Magistrate Judge. 

Gustafson Gluek congratulates Dan and we are confident that he will carry out his appointment with same exceptional skill and dedication that he gives to the Firm every day.

For more information, please click here.


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